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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thirty #Interviews in Thirty Days #Event- Day 18

 Welcome to day 18 of the event. I love answering questions and allowing you all to know me better as a person. So here's today's interview.
 At what point did you start considering yourself an author?

R: When my first book Silenced was released on Amazon. Before that, my writing was a hobby. From that day onward, I realized my writing would be read by people who didn't even know me and I hope that I could touch one life.

If you had the choice to collaborate with ONE author, who would it be?
R: Edgar Allen Poe. Unfortunately he passed away. I simply adore his short stories and his ability to write in a cryptic manner.

What are you currently reading?
R: I'm not really reading much at this time. However, I am slowly reading several books. The one which I find myself going to the most is Getting Past What You'll Never Get Over by John F. Westfall.

What entities outside of your families and friends have helped you to grow as a writer?
R: I guess all the authors who have ever touched my heart with their work, as well as all the people who cared enough to give my book a try.

What are you currently working on? 
R: I am working on a story that is based off of my grandmother. She passed away at 36 years old from breast cancer and I've added a bit of a twist to her story. I'm also working with parents who have had to experience a loss of a child. I'm helping them to share their story with the world. I believe that when writing Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello, I healed a bit more. I'm praying that by these parents writing their stories, they will be taking one step closer to getting past their hurt and see happiness.

In what ways do you challenge your writing skills?
R: I re-read my work and make sure there are a few months between each sitting. Also, I ask various proofreaders to have a look at what I've written.

Explain your personality in four words.
R: Positive, sensitive, spiritual, and giving.

What kind of music do you usually listen to?
R: I like anything played on K-Love and Today's Christian Music App. I listen to them all the time.

What's your everyday schedule like?

R: First, I wake my daughter, get her ready, and send her off to school. After I come back, I enjoy a cup of coffee while catching up with one of my family members on the phone. Once we finish talking, I dive into either blogging, writing, or promoting. At some point in the afternoon, I'll accomplish all three until I have to get my daughter off the bus. I fix her dinner. She does her homework. When she's finished, she goes off to play and I get back to writing.

If you could change anything about your author experience so far, would you? 
R: No, I feel like everything that has happened so far belongs to my own, personal path toward being a great author. I guess that sounds cliché, but it's actually true! Each story that I have written has something to do with awareness for something. Each book is meant to inspire. Therefore, I love the experience I have had so far.

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