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Sunday, May 7, 2017

#loveyoumore update....

Woah... this has been a ride, to say the least.

#loveyoumore is coming along smoothly but it's an emotional one for me. Especially
since it's basically based on my life for the past 12 years. 

Of course, I've added some twists and turns that are fictional to make it a bit more interesting. But
the plot idea is following my life. 

Here's another preview from the book:

If you're in my fan group on Facebook, I have been adding more sneak peeks to get you going and to give exclusive access to my progress with ALL the books I'm in the process of



After much thought, ALL giveaways will be exclusive to the fan group; unless it's a very
special event (release, celebration). So, if you're into supporting me outside of
thesee giveaways, you can ask to join here:

Hope to see more people join us... 
I have lots of exciting things to come!!!