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Sunday, January 17, 2016

a Child's prayer for gratitude

Through our child's life, we focus on their education, health, and well-being. We give them the materialistic objects within life that we think will make them happy. If you take a look around while out in public, you will probably see a child holding an electronic of some sort. Sadly, this is as far as their attention goes.

In an age where parents shower their child with their love in varies ways, I must ask this;
Does your child know, truly know, gratitude?

A child isn't wired to automatically know the important of gratitude or even understand it. We're instructed in the Bible that we are to give thanks in ALL things. It doesn't point out if this is only for adults because it's not. It's for all of us to learn, live, and express. 

The first step of this is by teaching our child manners and enforcing them. We're in a movement where a lot of parents don't worry about it or care. Gratitude isn't something that will come with age or maturity. We, as parents, have to CHOOSE this lifestyle for our children and TEACH it to them. If we don't focus on teaching our child how to be grateful and actually mean it, what are we doing exactly? What is it that's taking on more importance? 

I want to challenge you. If you're interested in helping your child learn and live gratitude, make a list of things that will help them grow with an attitude of gratitude. Here are some examples below.

1. Always use your manners. (Please, Thank you, You're Welcome) 
2. Smile and don't frown, Jesus wants us to turn it around.
3. Be happy with what you have by showing your care, pick it up and put it away so you'll have it for another day!
4. Notice when others are nice by acting in a gratitude filled manner. Be thankful!
5. Always say, "I love you." (In the morning, afternoon, and at bedtime.)
6. Do not worry about tomorrow and set your eyes on today.
7. Encourage someone with a kind word. 
8. Refrain from complaints.
9. Help out when you can by doing chores. (Be happy you have a home to clean.)
10. Remember to thank God for everything. 

What attitude of gratitude would you add to the list?

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