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Monday, February 29, 2016

Power of Love: Openness

Openness when it comes to love is when we open our hearts to allow God in and all Him to do what He needs to through us. At one time or another, you'll ask "How is it that I can be the person the Lord planned me to be?" At times, I'm right there with you. 

I found that in order for us to be the person we are called to be, we need to strive to be more every day. We need to learn how to live out the greatest commandment the Lord has set for us. 

1 Corinthians 13:13 says, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 

As a Christian, we were chosen by the Lord and He loves us. We must remember that God is a God of love and He has always loved us before we even had the chance to love Him. The apostle John tells us a bit about this. In Exodus 34:6 he tells us about God. He says, "...The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth," By this verse, we see that love is WHO God is and not what He does. I believe that this tells us that this is what God desires from us. He wants us to be the most abundant thing from His children. In 1 John 4:19 it says, "We love Him because He loved us first."

When we love with such openness, it has the power to strengthen our faith and that gives us hope. Loving God should be our first priority in life. That means...we should hold God FIRST. This is before our children and spouse. Loving him means with every fiber of us; our heart, soul, mind, and overall being. Our relationship with Christ should be as solid as a rock and not that of moss. We shouldn't have a mushy, spotty relationship with Him. 

Opening ourselves to loving God isn't something that is optional as a Christian. Our love for Christ is the most important and wholeheartedly thing we must do. If we open us to God, we will see Him work wonders in our lives and blessings will pour in like the rain. 

How do we open ourselves to Him?

We devote our time to Him. We open ourselves fully to Him in prayer. Every aspect of our lives should be talked about in prayer; the good and the bad. We have a tendency to jump to prayer when things in our lives are going wrong. We don't have a problem asking for help, strength, support, or just a plain out blessings. I have seen it time and time again. As I praised God for answering a prayer, He was showing me something more to this plan of His that I am seeking. 

As an example, when I attended church on Feb. 7th, our Pastor said some powerful word, which I felt were directed towards me. Several times throughout the service, certain points felt as if it were God reaching out to me and telling me that my answers for my prayers are coming. I felt as if God told me to hang tight and let Him work. I'm a very impatient person and don't like waiting. I know... I know... that's just something we (Christians) do and sometimes it feels like it's a lot! 

I love when this happens. Don't you?

It's like God is confirming that He's heard me. The openness that I have with Christ is amazing and I know that if you're not at that point yet, keep your faith because it's coming. He's about to extend His grace to you. Remember, our God is faithful to His promises and He will extend His love to you. All you have to do is reach out. As I have said time and time again, Jesus is a true gentleman. He won't force Himself on you. You must reach out to Him and tell Him that you love Him and allow Him to use you for the good of His plans. 

Are you ready to take that leap? 

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