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Monday, May 23, 2016

You ARE Loved!!

I have found many struggles in life before and after my walk with Christ started. I stumbled, fell, and got back up. When I found my faith a few years ago, I was broken, shattered, and unsettled in my identity with Christ. I had so many insecurities and let downs. Immediately after my return to Christ, Jesus started to mend my broken pieces. During the biggest struggle in my life, I wrote my journey in a book to share with others and show them that they weren't alone. As I wrote this book, Jesus spoke to me and told me who I was in Him. I learned about my identity in Christ.

When I focused my life on my identity, God revealed issues and things I struggled with that weren't according to His plan. As I worked my way through His list, I learned far more than I could have imagined. I often refer to two different Bible verses to define who I am in Christ. The first is Philippians 4:3, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." The second is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

These verses apply to YOU too!

God love you and there isn't a thing in this world that can change His love for you. He doesn't love us based on how close we are to Him or how much we pray. He loves you, even more than you love yourself. His love is unconditional! Even the times where you don't love yourself, He still loves you. In sin, He loves you. 

God loves everyone, everywhere, all the time. It doesn't matter what we look like, the things we do or say, or the way we behave. Yes, He wants you to turn from sin and follow Him, but this is because He wants an eternity with you and doesn't want to see you perish. 

So I am here today to inspire you to tell the enemy to quiet those lies he's been whispering in your ears because you are loved and cherished by the Most-High. You are the princess/prince of THE ONE TRUE KING!

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