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Monday, April 15, 2013

New Giveaway- Open from April 15th to April 30th

Hey there
Thank you for taking the moment to stop by my blog.

I have been doing some spring cleaning and found a load of author swag that I've be given over the past year. Boy... there's a load of it. 

This made me think... in celebration of the cover reveal and blurb of Silenced: The Overtaking, why not have a giveaway to spice things up?

I'd like to announce that I'm having a new giveaway going on right now. The prizes that are up for grabs are: 1 Ecopy of Silenced & 2 Random Swag Packs (from various authors)

If you're interested, please use the giveaway tab to enter!!

(Swag packs are open to US Only)

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