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Friday, February 9, 2018

Sneak Peek Friday: #loveyoumore


It's something most little girls dream of as they get older. We strive to find
the one for us to share life with as we get older. Once we find that one, it's pure bliss being with that person who understands us more than anyone and would go to whatever lengths for us. 

But what happens when that love was temporary? That's what Colonia asks herself in #loveyoumore. 

But before I get into that, why not enjoy a piece of her happiness?


"I wanted to talk to you about something," his tone was completely serious.
I took a deep breath, "Okay. What's goin' on?"
"I'm a few week away from my four-year enlistment date in the Marines. I'm not reenlisting."
I was caught off guard. From all the conversations we've had over the past several months, I knew that being a Marine was more than just a way of life for him. It's who he was. It meant so much to him to be serving his country and the pride that generated from him when he talked about it, was impossible to miss. "Why? I thought you loved what you do?" I asked, confused.
"Well, I do but I love you more. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. How does that sound?"
I widened my eyes while he stared at me; as if I'd just produced a snake out of my pocket, waiting for me to respond. I could imagine the thoughts going through his mind, desperately trying to make sense of my facial expressions as I processed what he just said. His smile slowly faded while his mouth remained as an aberrant bleak line along with the stubbles of hair starting to appear along his jawline.
When I spoke, my voice was shaky, "I'm not sure what to say." My voice trailed slowly like my words were unwilling to take flight.
"Well, letting me know if you wanna be with me would be a great place to start."
Instantly, I felt bad for allowing him to hang in limbo, but this wasn't something I had expected, nor thought about. He was an amazing guy; too perfect. However, I didn't expect those daydreams I've had to become reality so soon. Without any more delay, "Yes, I think I would be able to handle that," I blurted out.
"Good," he said, fidgeting with his cell phone. As my phone dinged, he added, "listen to that song I forwarded to you. It says it all."
"Now?" I asked confused. Never had someone ever expressed their feelings to me through music, something else added to the list of awesome when it came to this man.
"Yeah. Now."
I pulled my cell up in front of me and tapped the notification that showed Tyler's message. My phone opened my music app. It didn't take me long to recognize the song. It had been the same one that Tyler had playing in the car the last time he was here. "This song." I smiled, taking in the lyrics.
"I want you to be with me, Colonia. Life without you doesn't make sense. Now, I'm not sure if you heard me or what..." he moved closer, taking my hand, "but I'm madly in love with you. I've never been very good at expressing my feelings so bare with me." He ran his hands over his pant legs as he took another deep breath. "It's crazy. Whenever I try to tell you how I feel, my throat tightens, blocking me from saying anything. I always know what to say and it takes a lot to get me stopped up on what I want to say."
"I think you're doing a great job at it," I said, trying to boost his confidence.
He glanced up at me and smiled, "It doesn't take much for me to be able to read people like they're an open book. You are the only one that I have a hard time understanding. I love that and it's one of the qualities you have that drew me to you. I love how you play with your hair and bite your lip when you're nervous."
My heart felt as if it were going to leap out of my chest, as tears threatened to escape from my eyes. I intertwined my hands and played with the back of a ring my mother had given me when I turned sixteen to help with the overflow of feelings that were coursing throughout my body.
"'re like a breath of fresh air, constantly refreshing and invigorating. Every moment with you is a surprise to me and that's intriguing because I don't like stories where I can guess what's going to happen next. I love your clumsy, anxious self and I find it sexy..."
At that moment he had me by the reference to a book. I leaned in closer as my heart melted with his touching words.
"...I love how you have chosen your own path in life and you know exactly what you want outta the life you've been given. You're strong, full of positive energy that pulls others to you, yet you're exceptionally perceptive and compassionate to all you encounter. You are the most overwhelmingly spirited person I have ever met in my life. Laughter is something I can always find when I'm around you and I'd be crazy not to as you to take a chance on me."

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