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Friday, September 9, 2016

The Gracious Wife: FULL #COVER #REVEAL

The Gracious Wife
Release Information will be provided at a later date.
Cover by Emcat Designs
Book Description:
Marriage can be surreal, unpredictable, and enticing all at the same time. We find and fall in love with our best friend, and all of our dreams seem to be coming true. We've heard of the princess being rescued by her prince and they ride off into the sunset to live happily ever after. Unfortunately, this isn't how marriage is in real life, especially when you're trying to be what God has called you to be. Marriage is two self-centered individuals coming together to live as one.
Given all the foes and dips that may come with marriage, this book gives the basic understanding of marriage the way God intended and not as the way fairy tales has made it out to be. It's meant to help wives be more self-sacrificial toward their husband by acting in grace, love, and forgiveness. In this journey with our best friends, we can work toward being more humbling and giving. It takes more than love alone for a great marriage. The basis of a great marriage starts with a strong spiritual foundation, a strong friendship which grew into a strong romance, along with tons of work, sacrifices, and submission by both partners to make it last.
This book provides Rae-Beth's opinion with communication, getting through the tough times, fair fighting, and keeping God the center of the marriage. Dive in and see marriage from one wife's perspective.

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