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Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Muse

Be an everyday Christian.

I stumbled on to Facebook this morning while enjoying a cup of coffee. The crisp fall morning air showed it's chill by the dew gently covering the fallen leaves outside. 

After I get my daughter off to school, baby boy and I hang out at the kitchen table. He eats his breakfast and I prepare for my day. 

This morning I was taken back by the amount of people who I see are standing in the doorway of Christ. 

Let me explain...

These are the types of people you see in Church every Sunday, worshipping the Lord, thanking God for each blessing, and the first to pray at the alter. 

Monday morning comes and their page is full of so much negativity, curse words, and Unchristian like posts, which saddens my heart.

I'm not here to judge, however, I am called to help keep my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on track. 

Let me say this... you can't be in between.

What I mean by this is... one minute you're praising God for the wonderful blessings He gave and then the next, cussing out a person on social media because they crossed you the wrong way. I know that if we are going to be for God, we need to be for Him all the way. This mean both in church and outside of church! 

Don't be afraid of what the world will think... Jesus wasn't.
Don't be afraid about what your friends might think... Jesus wasn't.

We need to start being BOLD and stand up FOR Christ at ALL times of the day, week, and year. 

Jesus wasn't ashamed of us, therefore we shouldn't be ashamed of Him. We should fully let go of the worldly ways and focus on Christ.

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