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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Working Together to Build Jesus Centered Marriages

While doing research and talking with Christian couples about Jesus-centered marriages, I found one thing in common. Each person mentioned that they wished more events would center around building strong Christ-like marriages. Events just for spouses to attend and become stronger in Christ. People feel that there are too little resources bases upon marriage and Christ. 

I partly agree with this. However, my church in which I attend supports every walk of life and each step in which life has to offer. As a matter of fact, there's a couples retreat coming up this weekend, which I sadly won't be attending due to my husband's work schedule. But this is a start. (I pray I can catch the next one and have a babysitter for the kiddos.) 

This is one reason why I feel I was led to write Best Friends for Life; Yet, Husband and Wife. My mission is to help woman everywhere be the wife God called them to be. Sometimes it takes an outside voice to see where we are going wrong at times. 

Let me say, that marriage you want and dream of can happen with Christ at its center. I know that it's easier said than done. But we need to stand up and fight for it. Just as Christ fought for us. Our marriages are like a flower that need daily care and attention. If we don't show this attention and care, it'll wither away and eventually die off.

The first start to a Jesus-centered marriage is JESUS and a relationship with Him. My walk with Christ took off three years ago when my daughter was stillborn. (As I said in her story, her birth/death gave me a violent shove towards Jesus.) I've been following Him since. Now, I'm not saying that my way is the only way. However, it's just one way of many. What works for me and my husband, may not work for all spouses out there.

So, let's work together and start at the beginning. Let's build each other up starting with Christ and our relationship with Him. What's something that you and your spouse do to help keep Christ in the center of your marriage? One thing I have as a goal is to make a set time, every day for my husband and I to pray. Yes, we pray. However, with our schedules, it ends up that our prayer times are different and we're normally praying alone. We NEED to fix this and pray together!

Here are some resources I like to check out every now and then for my marriage (and writing):


Websites & Articles:

The Purpose of Marriage is Not to Make You Holy by Jonathan Trotter for A Life Overseas

I would love to grow this list, so in the comments below, tell me what resources would you add?

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