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Friday, April 24, 2015

Journey to Our Rainbow: Pregnancy After Loss #Teaser

I know that my faithful readers are wondering when my next book will be out. Well, I'm working really hard to make that happen for you.

Here's a teaser from my upcoming book
Journey to Our Rainbow: Pregnancy After Loss

I hope you enjoy!!

After the monitor was completely hooked up, they started an IV with fluids and oxytocin. The fluids were to ensure that I wasn't dehydrated and the oxytocin was to ripen my cervix. Shortly after they started the fluids, they checked to see if any progress had been made and where we were starting. The contractions I had been feeling since I woke up took me from one centimeter to about four centimeters before I got to the hospital. So, my body started labor on its own and the oxytocin was used to help speed things along. At this point, there was a lot of waiting and more of my family flooded my room to wait with me and be able to greet our miracle.

Even though I was surrounded by family, my heart still raced. I knew that the Lord was with me and I could have swore that so was Dakota. It was weird because every now and then I would get a sense of peace. Then, love bumps (kind of like cold chills but I'm not cold) covered my body. These feeling left me feeling incredulous with a mixture of worry. I know that God tells us not to worry or be afraid of the future. I had a hard time putting all faith and hope in the Lord because I was one of those believers who had something bad happen. More often than not, I lived through these bad things. God promised us three powerful promises that should fill us with peace and free me from my fear. He promised to fill me with joy in Christ now and forever.

I just had to trust Christ and the Lord would show me pure joy; infinite joy, all-satisfying joy, overwhelming joy in the very near future. I know that every trial that comes my way is a gift from God that's only preparing me for the glory He has in store for me. He was using Dakota's loss and Jaxson's birth to show me more of Jesus' glory. This experience would be one of the most heart-satisfying joys that I could ever experience in Jesus' glory.

The contractions came roughly every two minutes or so and I was still hanging strong with no pain medication while keeping in mind that the Lord was with me and He knew the outcome. The doctors slowly increased the oxytocin but after about four hours, they came into my room and started checking vitals. They watched the heart monitor for baby's heartbeat. I was asked to lay on my left side for a moment and then asked to roll over to my right side. As they helped me roll over, another nurse asked me to put on the oxygen mask. The medication resulted in back to back contractions, which caused baby's heart rate to drop. They got it back up. Docs and nurses were on it and got everything back in order. He was doing good afterward and had hiccups. His heart rate was about 163 and hanging in there. I was contracting without the medicine so they kept the oxytocin off for the time being.

Even after a bit of a scare, I knew that the Lord had his mighty hands on my son and He would take care of any problems that would have arisen. I believe that the staff that had been taking care of me and my son were angels on earth doing God's work. He gave them the wisdom to make the tough decisions, the grace to know what to do, and the strength to face each situation as it came. God would fully supply each and every need through these wonderful doctors and nurses.


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