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Friday, June 28, 2013

Brief Updates

Hello there.... thank you for stopping by and following my blog. I haven't posted in a while because my family had a loss. My daughter was born forever sleeping and it's been a rough road.

With that said, I wanted to update you all and let you know what's going on writing wise with me.


This is the second and last book within the Silenced Series. The rough draft is completed and it's been through the first round with the beta readers. I'll be working on making the suggested changes, as well as doing my own edits. So, I can officially say this book has moved into the next step of the publication process, which is editing.


I've put a hold on writing this one for a while. I plan on resuming with writing this story once I finish the newest one I'm working on.


This is my newest story I am writing. It's a true story based on my journey as a mother and the loss of my sweet baby girl. It'll be a while before this one is complete.

I want to thank all of you who have shown your support to my husband, oldest daughter, and I. We are so grateful that you all have come together and is helping us through this difficult time.

If you're not following my blog, please consider following. I'd love for you to join us.